【Recommend】Supreme Shopping Instruction

by Transbang 2019/11/06

As a well-known fashion brand, Supreme is naturally a fashion that many people pursue. Japan Supreme also often introduces limited editions that are co-branded with major brands. Now, you can also bring these new trends home! Want to know how to transfer the latest Supreme from Japan back to your house? Then you must not miss this Supreme shopping instruction!

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 TransBang would provide you US/Japan address, as your strongest backup, to bring all the goods in your shopping cart home!

Supreme Shopping Instruction | How to buy?

Step1|Web browsing

Supreme's official website is very simple, you will see relevant information such as new collections, online stores, physical storefronts and other information on the home page, click on the online store, you will see the relevant products of the supreme brand.

Step2|The way to select

The supreme product display is very interesting. It is the color of the product shown in the picture. Just click on the favorite color, you will know which product this color is, such as the green p in the middle of the left picture. The color of the suit, after entering, is the sports jacket.

Step3|Confirm the product information

Pick favorite colors and items. On the product page, you will see clear product information such as introduction, color, price, size, etc. If you want to continue looking for items, click continue looking. The next one is OK, make sure the style is your favorite, just add it to the shopping cart!

Supreme Shopping Instruction | Payment Methods

Step1|Entering the shopping cart

When you add the item to the shopping cart, the shopping cart content will be displayed on the left-hand side of the same page. Just click on the confirmation content and the page will be transferred to the shopping cart information.

Step2|After confirming the product details

enter the shopping cart information page, you can confirm the order information such as style, color number, size, price, etc. After checking, no problem, click the red button on the right to enter the shopping. formalities.

Step3|Filling the receipt information and payment method

Supreme's purchase process is as simple and clear as the official website. After entering the shopping procedure, first complete the left-hand receipt information, such as name, mailbox, phone number, and recipient address….. Wait, then fill in the credit card information on the right hand side, send the order to complete the order ~ As for the phone number and the address information of Japan, you can directly fill in the warehouse information of the TransBang, supreme will send the goods directly to TransBang’s Japanese warehouse, want to know more, just continue to look down!

Supreme Shopping Instruction | How to transfer from Japan?

Complete the shopping process in the Supreme Japan official website, I believe you must be very curious to know how to transfer your favorite goods to your home? Now, you only need to select the link below, enter the TransBang official website and login, you can get the Japanese warehouse information for the transfer, when you enter the purchase process of Supreme Japan official website, you only need to copy the relevant information into the field, Waiting for supreme to send the goods out, and then TransBang the transfer order through the logistics order number from the official website. The TransBang will help you to put the goods into the warehouse, and then complete the follow-up process of all Japanese transshipment - so convenient and simple Japan Transfer method, you must experience it, now click on the following URL to login and start to forward your goods!

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